Broccoli Soup


BMN # 83: Week 1, Day 2
Theme : Soups and Stews

I have always loved soups and salads. Luckily my son has taken after me and not after his dad in this matter. His dad eats healthy, but definitely not raw. Soups are okay but still not a favorite. Still that doesn’t stop me from preparing soups frequently.

Coming to the recipe here,this is the kind of soup that you can start when you realize that your son is going to be home from school in fifteen minutes and be finished by the time he is home. Only reduce the quantity in half to prepare for one and you are good! All you need to do is cook the broccoli with stock, onions and garlic, purée it and then cook again with some milk. It’s a simple, delightful treat for me. I prefer butter over olive oil in this recipe, the flavor of garlic cooked with butter is delicious.

Bread croutons are a must with soup for my son, so that’s an addition as well. This soup is perfect for a light meal, serve with a salad and bread on side to make it the main meal.


Recipe adapted from: All Recipes

Serves two


  • 1 teaspoon butter or olive oil
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1.5 cups broth
  • 1.5 cups milk
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat oil or butter in a pan. Saute the garlic and the onions. Add broccoli and the broth and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer and cook until the broccoli is tender.
  2. Take off the heat and puree in a blender once its cooled down. Pour it back to the soup pot, add milk and seasonings. Bring it to a slow simmer and take of the heat.  Serve with bread croutons on top.broccoli_soup1

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#83

11 thoughts on “Broccoli Soup

  1. In my home, I am not a soup fan but the rest of my family is. Especially the broccoli – cheese one tops that list. Your basic version soup looks colorful and is a healthy one.


  2. Such a creamy and delicious looking broccoli soup Rajani. I recently bought a high powered blender and we have been making broccoli-cheddar soup often in it.


  3. Ah a boy who loves soups must be awarded amply Rajani…better bake him a cake..:)..this soup looks so lovely with that colour!


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