Blackberry Parfait

BM# 100: Week 2, Day 2
Theme : 3 
ingredient Dishes

Breakfast is not an elaborate meal at my place. It’s almost always a bowl of cereal or oatmeal. I like something with a bit of liquid in it than having to chew before you are completely awake (even if it’s 10 in the morning). The idea is I will close my eyes, drink it down and then wake up later when I have to deal with the day.

You can see why a yogurt based parfait would work well here. It ticks off all the boxes for me. There is smoothness from the yogurt, a bit of crunch from muesli or granola, bit of sweetness from the berries, there is color, there is contrast and most importantly, it is ridiculously easy to make. Any jam would work instead of real fruit too. A spoon of sugar or salt is allowed for this theme, so I decided to add it to the berries. It’s optional and if you are using a jam, you won’t need it anyway.

Scroll down for the recipe.


    1/2 cup yogurt*
    3 tablespoons granola/muesli
    8-10 blackberries
    1 teaspoon sugar, optional


  1. Mix sugar with the berries and microwave for 20-30 seconds. Cool slightly and mash it down with the back of a spoon.
  2. Spoon some of this on the bottom of a glass. Top with a tablespoon of muesli or granola. Add some of the yogurt. Repeat the layers until it reaches the top. Mine was a small glass so it took only two layers of each.
  3. Top with muesli and serve cold.


*You can sweeten the yogurt as well with a spoon or two of sugar. I didn’t do it.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#100

9 thoughts on “Blackberry Parfait

  1. So colorful, delicious and healthy breakfast. I enjoy these once in a while as everyone in home ask for typical south indian breakfast items.


  2. Hahaha, that was hilarious. Making elaborate breakfast is out for me too. We have BPC for breakfast, so I can totally understand. This parfait is gorgeous and I can even enjoy this as a dessert.


  3. This is a beatiful dish Rajani, wish I can taste this now, though I would need some more sweet pls..:) on some of the comments!


  4. The pretty pink again ! I wish my breakfast theory was as simple as yours. I need a power packed breakfast even before I wake up ! And that can happen even at 2am if we can’t go to sleep again.. this is a yummy dessert my kids would love, perhaps made with blackberry compote I might have :)


  5. I am bowled over by your breakfast philosophy. I am going to adopt it henceforth. Love this beautiful jar of swirls. Yogurt and jam for breakfast is what makes waking up worth it! Yum!


  6. You are funny Rajani, you don’t have to chew your breakfast!! But I agree, Lovely contrast of colors and I rather put my energy in admiring the colorful jar than on chewing :) Pun apart, this is a healthy and tempting breakfast to start the day and I could eat it for dessert as well during the day.


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