Pina Colada cake

Blogging Marathon #125 Week 4, Day 1
Theme : A-Z recipes, something sweet

When I signed up for this theme, I went through all my drafts and made a list of all the recipes I already had. I knew the letter P is going to be this pina colada cake which I made for a friends birthday last year.

The base for this cake is a very soft coconut cake. It’s made with cake flour and has coconut milk in it. I have always used homemade cake flour (measure out one cup flour, remove 2 tablespoons and add 2 tablespoons of corn flour) but this time I saw some ready made cake flour and used it.

I have followed the recipe from here. Follow the link for very detailed instructions. The deconstructed cake here would be a coconut cake, pineapple filling, sugar syrup and cream cheese frosting. The pineapple filling is nothing but canned crushed pineapple cooked with a little sugar and corn flour until it thickens. I didn’t enough frosting to decorate as I wished, so that was a bummer here.

I used fondant to make the tiny pineapples, used brown food coloring pen to mark those lines. My favorite frosting is whipped cream but cream cheese is becoming a close second now. It’s sturdier than whipped cream yet really soft and not too sweet.

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