Banana Ice cream


There are few things in this world that everybody loves. Ice cream and chocolate can be counted in that few. Young or old, summer or winter, healthy or sick, everybody wants to have these. (If you don’t like it, please don’t tell me. You will be shaking one of the most fundamental beliefs in my life).

Unfortunately, ice cream is high in calories. Fortunately, we can create our own recipes that are healthier and totally guilt free. Like this one ingredient banana ice cream here. This is a great cheat recipe. It’s not quite the real deal, but comes pretty close to it.

Enjoy the recipe and cheat with these once in a while…


Recipe source: thekitchn

Makes 2 small servings (depending on the size of the banana)


  • 1 ripe banana, sliced into rounds



Slice the bananas into rounds and freeze them overnight or for at least two hours.


Once its frozen, run it in a small food processor for 3-4 minutes.


You are looking for smooth ice-free ice cream texture. Keep beating it until its smooth and creamy. I did this in two batches and each one took about 5 minutes.


Pour into a freezer friendly bowl. Cover and freeze the “ice cream” again until its hard. Scoop out and serve with your choice of toppings. I served it with honey and chopped pistachios.

Things to keep in mind:

Bananas discolor. So scoop these out only at the time of serving.


Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 53

23 thoughts on “Banana Ice cream

  1. i had made it with some added fruits….but the banana smell was stuck in my nose…so could not think beyond banana….having said that, yours still looks tempting to me…and i am convinced that I failed the recipe and not the other way round


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